Saturday 30 October 2010

Stan The T-REX!

3 sleeps ago, I was so excited and I didn't want to shut my eyes because we were going to go and see the dinosaurs the next morning.  Before I went to bed, me and Ter did a painting of what I thought T-REX looked like.

I woke up early and shouted 'Mummy its time to go', but she said that it was silly o'clock and I should go back to bed.

So I sneaked downstairs to look at the sky.  
I like looking at the moon and the stars, so I watched, and I wished for it be light!  

I counted from 1 to 100 again and again and it was a bit rainy. 

I was so excited about seeing the dinosaurs that I couldn't eat my breakfast for laughing.

Ter couldn't come because she has lots of work to do, so I said, don't worry Ter, I'll show you from the likkle camera, but when I saw Stan the T-Rex I didn't want to film, I just wanted to look at him!

But then I told mummy I wished Ter was here, because she would love Stan and I would film. But she didn't answer me when I was trying to show it her!

Thursday 21 October 2010

My First Film.

Me and Ter were going to finish my first film but she left the light on in her car and it wouldn't start. I was crying to mummy, but when she told me about Ter being stuck in her house it made me laugh and I told mummy, Ter is a banana! So I did my numbers on my own.

Mummy asked me if I wanted to ring grandma, she is on holiday with daduan and I am missing them.  I said in a likkle minute I'm busy doing my work, but don't worry, its children's work this mummy! I carried on doing my number 8's and mummy told me I am much better when I take my time.

Finally, daddy got Ter's car started and we have finished my film. Ter and mummy laughed and said Rochdale is not just famous for being the benefits capital of the country and Mrs Duffy's bigotgate, but it's famous for me.

Tuesday 19 October 2010


I wore my short trousers today at school because I like my shorts, but my legs got a likkle bit cold as its winter now!

But I warmed up when we started making a skeleton. I didn’t finish it though because then it was snack time. It has a face and teeth and legs and toes and fingers and its stuck together with blue-tack, I'll finish it tomorrow. My real skeletons arm fell off though and I cried.

My Daddy was a skeleton last yr and Daduan was a skeleton monster. Me and mummy were pumpkins and Ter was an ax man, her beard is funny she looked daft!

Mummy and Daddy have gone to parents evening at my new school and me and auntie Ter watched fireman sam (he is a hero) and it’s my favourite programme. I took some photos on my new digital camera.

I was excited when I showed Ter my new camera, I told her, it’s a real camera like all yours!

I wanted to show her the games though and then Ter can play some more silly ones with me!

Saturday 16 October 2010

My World

Today, me and my auntie Ter played hide and seek, it's the best game in the world. I think Ter was a likkle bit sad because I won!

When we were playing a baby ladybird flew in and it was stuck in mine and Ters den in the top of her house.

Ter wanted to show her friend Lucy who loves frogs and these funny things....

Meet the sloths from Amphibian Avenger on Vimeo.

They're funny and I like them, but not as much as dinosaurs.

I asked Ter if the dinosaurs will be in heaven (but I think T-REX will be in hell) and if her tattoo will still be here at the end of the world?

She looks daft in this picture but I'm going to take some new photos of her.